

When devices are registered or Company CPID are generated, the authentication token is salted and hashed. This means your company’s credentials can never be recovered from our systems.

There are three types of certificates for authentication: Key, X509 (CA) and TPM. To learn more about this you can browse our user guide.

Please contact us for more details on the same.

If the user that you want to share notification with is not assigned permission to get notified, by clicking on this button you can overwrite the permission. This means the user(s) can get notifications if ‘ignore preference’ is selected.

If you select WebHook, you will get a textbox to enter call back URL. For Push notifications, you’ll have to enter device details to get notifications on those devices.

With Data Ingestion API, you can import data from different sources whereas with Data Export API, you can export data to specified sources.

Yes, by using Data Export API, you can export older data as well.

You can export data from IoTConnect via input server connection info.

If you want to export data to Azure Cosmos DB or Blob Storage or any other APIs mentioned in the list, integrate with any third-party systems like ERP, CRM via service bus, or to service queue for further analysis depending on the use case – you can do all that from here.

You can extract the telemetry data you are capturing via sensors through REST API. To extract the data, just enter your storage name in the field of custom file storage. Read our how to guide on settings and configuration to know more.

Yes, you need to have your own Power BI subscription to generate reports in IoTConnect.

You can connect IoTConnect with your Power BI subscription and get interactive reports. Read more about connectors here.

It allows you to export data from the IoTConnect to the MS SQL server, you can simply insert the connection string of your server and the system will start to export data.

Data integration API allows you to import your data. Read more about it here.

You can re-execute the failed command again by entering the same parameters as defined earlier from the command segment.

In the Commands segment, you can see the list of command history with fields like command, device, executed on, etc.

You can create commands form template segment. Refer to template segment of our how to guide.

Parameter is a mandatory field to be filled only if “parameter required” is selected while creating templates. The command will be executed only if the parameter is met. Read more here.

Yes, executing command on single device is possible by selecting “selected devices” radio button from Command Execution segment. Read more in how to guide – command segment.

IoTConnect’s command feature provides the system with actions to be performed on given devices. Commands can be executed when any device receives data other than rules defined in the system.

Yes, you can delete rule by clicking on the delete icon which you can find in the ride side of the rule list. To get detailed insights on rules check out how to guide.

Yes, you can change the recipients once the rule is in action.

Yes, you can notify a group of people when the rule is executed by selecting the roles that you want to share the permission.

When an event is triggered you will be notified by the notification method that you have selected like email or UI alert.

You can send notifications via email, push notification, UI alert that notifies you on the platform itself, MQTT, WebHook, also via executing device command.

If you want to apply the rules on all the devices of an entity, it is essential to first create entity and assign devices to that entity.

Yes, you need to create template before creating rules for better device management. You can read more on templates here.

You can set a standard rule by defining single condition for single device. While a smart rule is when you associate multiple conditions for a single device. Example: if you set temperature>50 for device1, it will be a standard rule and if you set temperature>50 and humidity>40 for device1, it will be a smart rule.

To get notified about unusual behavior of your devices, you need to set conditions on those devices. If these conditions aren’t met, you get notified by several methods like UI alert, email, and others modes. These conditions in IoTConnect are termed as rules. Get more details in our Rules management guide..

Once you have logged in to the portal, you will be able to see Rules segment on the left of the navigation pane. You can then create rules by clicking on the Rule button given on the top right corner of the screen. For further details you can check how to guide on Rules management.

You must do this because the certificate contains what is called the “CName”. For example, A common name can also be an IP address. The common name must match whatever you put into the browser’s URL box. If you put an IP address in the browser’s URL box, the certificate must then have a common name that matches. If you try to reuse one certificate it will fail because to talk to different devices, you must use different names or addresses and the common name in the certificate will not match.

The browser-based GUI and REST APIs are fronted by HTTPS, with a certificate signed by one of top most SSL providers in the world, so you can trust that you’re connecting to the genuine IoT Platform. Using the REST API requires a Solution Key and basic token. Further you can use this to make authenticate REST API calls against your company.

Below are the example of commands that we can send to the devices.

0x00 – OK
0x01 – Device Not Registered
0x02 – Auto Register
0x03 – Device Not Found
0x04 – Device Inactive
0x05 – Object Moved

You can send/schedule a new OTA update when the new firmware of the device is available. It requires the selection of hardware and software version along with the devices for any particular entity. It will be useful when you have any changes in a device’s function/parameters.

By using the JSON script, you can add template without following the all UI steps. Below are the sample JSON for quickly adding the template. Read more.

“code”: “CODE”,
“name”: “NAME”,
“tag”: “TAG(to enable GatewaySupport) | NULL”,
“attributes”: [
“name”: “attr”,
“type”: “number | string”,
“tag”: “TAG(if GatewaySupport enabled) | NULL”
“name”: “parent”,
“type”: “object”,
“tag”: “TAG(if GatewaySupport enabled) | NULL”,
“childs”: [
“name”: “childattr”,
“type”: “number | string”
“code”: “CODE”,
“name”: “NAME”,
“tag”: “TAG(to enable GatewaySupport) | NULL”,
“attributes”: [
“name”: “attr”,
“type”: “number | string”,
“tag”: “TAG(if GatewaySupport enabled) | NULL”
“name”: “parent”,
“type”: “object”,
“tag”: “TAG(if GatewaySupport enabled) | NULL”,
“childs”: [
“name”: “childattr”,
“type”: “number | string”

Yes, IoTConnect provides the twin property on template edit details where you can pass your default settings or constant value to device firmware while device connect with IotConnect for the first time. Read more.

By default, the system will be retained 90 days data for your history, but you can contact us if you want it more.

There many reasons behind not receiving telemetry data. The below are a few points that need to check to find out the problem.

Wrong MQTT configuration or wrong connection string
Port is not enabled on network settings
Wrong configuration on Azure IoT Hub
Wrong Topic
Timezone on server and your profile is different
Wrong JSON format

IoTConnect provides for end customers to create Custom Fields based on requirement in User/Device/Entity level. To add Custom Fields, visit knowledge base.

For example, if you want to add Title Field which consist of Mr., Mrs. or Miss value, you can create Custom Field with “Select” option and add all possible value on it.

IoTConnect has a feature to add large numbers of devices by using the batch import module, read more.

There are a huge numbers of different hardware types, firmware versions, revisions and other variations of devices that are available in the IoT market. It is very much difficult to ensure plug and play compatibility with each and every device available in the market but we ensure you to help in making the most of the devices compatible with your system.

SDK integration consists of 3 parts.

1. Initialize / Create IoTConnectSDK Object
2. Send Data
3. Receive Data / Callback function

All cloud communication happens through this. Go to our Client Libraries and SDK page for more information. .

It simulates any devices for the defined interval and duration of the time. You can simulate hundreds of virtual connected devices, without having to configure and manage physical devices. To learn more, please click here.

No, you can as many attributes as you want on your devices.

Before creating a device, you should have at least one entity and device template. You can refer to our how-to guide on devices for more details.

Use device group module, allocation device feature to add device on specific group.

To create a device, you need to go to Device Template and Entity. You can create different users under the entity, it will automatically assign all devices to users which are in the selected entity at the time of creating devices.

Yes, IoTConnect provides the option to develop a white label solution. For more information, contact our sales team via email or call us on +1 866 345 7638

An entity is the company/location based hierarchy where users can manage various entities/companies under which various devices and users can be managed. The entity in this portal has a feature to support multiple companies/locations in relation to parent-child architecture. This facilitates a user to manage multiple sub-companies under a parent company and provision to get analytics/reports based on single as well as the group of entities.

Below are the different use cases for Entity.

Use Case 1– The requirement is to manage devices under the person who is operating that device. You can use the entity as an operator and create a user under the entity. Next, at the time of creating a device, assign that operators entity.

Use Case 2– You can leverage the entity when you need to manage the multiple company locations or create sub companies under the parent company.

Use Case 3– The requirement is to manage services stations of the company. You can define the service station as a entity and assign the devices under the service stations.

Use Case 4– The requirement is to manage the mobile van which consist of the device. You can create the mobile van as a entity and leverage it.

You can create and manage the user role along with defining module wise permissions from this section. Moreover, you can manage the status of all users’ roles. Read more.

IoTConnect will generate the isolated environment for each company, and for communication with a device, the system will generate the CPID (unique code for each company), which is used for further communication from device to IotConnect.

You need to send an email/contact us for creating an account for IoTConnect. Once you receive the account details, follow the steps as mentioned in our guide to get started.

An over-the-air (OTA) update is a mechanism for remotely updating internet-connected hardware with new settings, software, and/or firmware. The OTA update mechanism is a core part of a system’s architecture, with the remote hardware device being responsible for identifying and applying updates to itself, and the cloud server responsible for distributing updates to its connected hardware clients.

In data validation, add data range with “to” keyword for integer e.g., 40 to 70, -40 to 20 for string and for character add comma separated list, e.g, Red, Blue, Green. String data is case insensitive.

Tumbling windows are a series of non-overlapping and contiguous time intervals to send data from device to cloud. When you have Edged Support device template at that time, you need to give aggregation and time to send data to IoTConnect that is collected.

You can use OBJECT data type when you require to define sensors which contains more than one value, For example: gyroscope – gyro : { x : 1 , y : 2 , z : }

IoTConnect supports three data types – 1) Number, 2) String, and 3) Object.

Number : any Number data
String : any string or character data
Object : any JSON data ex. gyro : { x : 1 , y : 2 , z : }

An edge device is any piece of hardware that controls data flow at the boundary between two networks. Edge devices fulfil a variety of roles, depending on what type of device they are, but they essentially serve as network entry (or exit) points. Some common functions of edge devices are the transmission, routing, processing, monitoring, filtering, translation and storage of data passing between networks.

It is a JSON file which contains the device sensors, commands and default configuration information, which is used by SDK to communicate with the IoTConnect platform. In other words, it’s responsible for cloud to device and device to cloud communications.