An entity streamlines IoT ecosystem management by grouping devices, users, and companies for efficient monitoring. Parent-child relationships enhance scalability and structured organization, exemplified in scenarios with multiple offices.
Template are blueprints, streamlining IoT solution deployment and troubleshooting. Templates compartmentalize complexities, ensure replicability, efficient issue resolution, and consistent configurations for device and data management.
Device grouping in IoTConnect optimizes management and user access by categorizing devices into organized groups, enhancing control, resource allocation, and user experience for streamlined efficiency.
IoTConnect simplifies IoT application creation, outlining steps for rapid setup: register the company, create a template, add a device, simulate or integrate real data, and view real-time telemetry through an intuitive interface and SDK integration.
IoTConnect offers diverse device types, including smart, edge, and edge gateway devices. Integration with AWS IoT Greengrass enhances local processing and cloud connectivity for transformative IoT capabilities.