

In the dynamic landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT), managing an intricate web of devices, users, and companies efficiently can be a formidable challenge. Entity in IoTConnect is a powerful tool that streamlines overseeing and analyzing diverse components as a cohesive unit. This article delves into the intricacies of the ‘Entity’ concept, exploring its structure, parent-child relationships, practical examples, and the significant advantages it offers for managing IoT ecosystems seamlessly.

Understanding the entity concept

At its core, an entity within the IoTConnect ecosystem represents a collective grouping of components such as devices, users, or companies that warrant simultaneous monitoring and analysis. This abstraction provides a structured approach to managing the complexity inherent in IoT environments. Users can logically organize and interact with various elements through the entity framework, enabling a more efficient and insightful management experience.

Parent-child relationships: a fundamental framework

A cornerstone of the entity concept is the establishment of parent-child relationships. This relationship model, akin to a one-to-many hierarchy, offers distinct advantages:

Scalability: A parent entity can encompass numerous child entities, accommodating many components without limiting the system’s expansiveness.

Structured organization: Each child entity is logically associated with a parent entity, promoting a systematic arrangement that reflects real-world dependencies and hierarchies.

Holistic management: Parent entities can oversee and manage their child entities, enabling comprehensive control and effective delegation of responsibilities.

Creating, editing, and deleting entities

The process of managing entities within IoTConnect is straightforward. Users can effortlessly create, edit, or delete entities based on the dynamic needs of their IoT ecosystem. This level of control ensures adaptability as requirements evolve, allowing for a finely tuned management experience.

Illustrative examples: parent-child relationships in action

Consider a hypothetical scenario involving IoTConnect AWS offices:

  • IoTConnect AWS Global
    • IoTConnect AWS Americas
      • IoTConnect AWS USA
        • IoTConnect AWS USA Employees
        • IoTConnect AWS USA Customers
          • IoTConnect AWS USA Customers – Subscribed to more than a million messages per month
          • IoTConnect AWS USA Customers – Subscribed to less than a million but more than 30k messages per month
      • IoTConnect AWS Canada
    • IoTConnect AWS APAC
    • IoTConnect AWS EMEA

In this intricate hierarchy, each bullet point represents an entity. This parent-child arrangement empowers efficient permissions management and facilitates agile data analysis, enhancing the overall IoT management experience.

Unlocking operational efficiency: use case of a manufacturing company

Imagine a manufacturing company with multiple factories, each housing diverse assets generating substantial data. These assets, termed ‘Entities’ in IoTConnect, encompass a spectrum of components:

Machines: Machine1, Machine2, Machine3…

Lights: LB1, LB2, LB3…

HVAC Units: AC1, AC2, AC3…

Generators: Generator1, Generator2, Generator3…

Computing Systems: CS1, CS2, CS3…

For a globally distributed company, entities are assigned based on location:

Company UK for the UK factory

Company Germany for the German factory

Even within a single country, a user can define finer location-based entities:

Company London for the London-based factory

Company Glasgow for the Glasgow-based factory

Benefits of the entity

The entity concept, coupled with meticulous planning, bestows a plethora of benefits:

Granular permissions: Entities facilitate precise control over permissions, ensuring that each entity can only manage devices within its purview.

Flexibility and agility: The parent-child hierarchy grants flexibility for adapting to dynamic operational needs while promoting agile data analysis.

Streamlined management: Efficient organization and structured relationships simplify complex device management, enhancing overall operational efficiency.


In the intricate realm of IoT management, the entity concept emerges as a pivotal framework, allowing organizations to tame the complexity of multi-device, multi-user, and multi-company ecosystems. By establishing parent-child relationships and embracing a structured approach, IoTConnect empowers users to seamlessly manage diverse components, unlocking operational efficiency and fostering data-driven decision-making. With the power of entity in your grasp, the future of IoT management becomes both manageable and insightful.