Role Management

Role Management

A role contains a set of permissions that allow you to view or manage different operations – dashboard, entities, users, firmware, devices, rules, settings, events and support tickets.

Roles enable you to control who in your organization is allowed to do the mentioned above various tasks in IoTConnect. Though you can create any role and assign it to your solution’s users, there are four popular roles: administrator, coordinator, developer and reader.

Create a role

To create a role for your organization:
  1. From the left navigation, mouseover the Users module. Select the Role and Permissions tab.
  2. In the middle and toward the top, select Create Role.
  3. Enter data in the following fields:

(Screen: Create Role)

    • Role Name: Enter a unique name – administrator, coordinator, developer, reader, etc. – for the role.
    • Role Description: Enter a description for the role. You can also use it to define the user role tag. For example, whether this role is for facility manager, property owner, or any other stakeholder.
  1. Tick the solution checkbox to allow the role access to the solution.
  2. Select Save to create a role.

Required fields have a red asterisk on the upper-right side of every field name.

The role list will reflect your role.

Role List

To view the role list:
  1. From the left navigation, mouseover the Users module. Select the Role and Permissions tab.
  2. The role list presents a role name, description, users’ numbers, status and actions.

(Screen: Role List)

  • Status: A role can be Active or Inactive. When you create a role, its default status is Active. Inactive the role when you do not need it. Make the role active whenever you need it back.
  • Actions: Edit or delete a role.
  • Role Filter:
    1. Apply the filter from the top-right corner of the role list.
    2. Add filters like role and users by selecting the + icon.
    3. Active status is a default role filter when you create a role. You can remove that filter anytime or add more filters.

(Screen: Role Filter)

IoTConnect offers three role filters. Apply any filter and enter the required keywords to retrieve matching results in the role list. Click Apply Filter to apply it.

Edit a role

To edit a role:
  1. Click on the role name from the role list or select the Edit Role icon from the actions lane. A click on either will show you the fields to edit.
  2. You can edit everything about a role. It includes role name, role description, access to solution and permissions available to use IoTConnect functionalities.

(Screen: Edit Role)

  1. Click Save twice. Once to save, edit role changes. Second, to save permissions changes.

Delete a role

To delete a role:
  1. Select the Delete Role icon from the actions lane.
  2. It will present the dialogue box titled ‘Delete’.

(Screen: Delete Role)

  1. Click Ok to delete a role.