AppConnect Concept

AppConnect Concept

With so many IoT devices and solutions already available in the market, it is difficult to decide which smart solutions to create and offer to your customers. Also, IoT deployment can be a complex process. It not only requires technical expertise but also requires in-depth knowledge of the industry that you’re developing the solution for.

To solve the issues mentioned above, solution providers can use ready-to-deploy solutions that can be customized as per the defined use case. Avnet’s IoT Partner Program offers a module called AppConnect that allows organizations to customize IoT solutions that are already created using our robust IoT platform, IoTConnect.

To know more about AppConnect detail, you can go through our user guide.

Leverage AppConnect to create seamless IoT solutions

There are two ways you can utilize AppConnect to build your solutions. Let’s understand this in detail with the help of the following use cases:

Creating your own solution:

Suppose Company X wants to create their own IoT solutions instead of using our ready-to-deploy AppConnect apps. After successfully onboarding on Partner Program, the company will explore our IoTConnect platform via the DevLab module. From the AppConnect segment of DevLab, Company X can check our pre-deployed smart solutions and their working. The company will get two options to try our AppConnect solutions:

  • Subscribe for demo: You can get access to the demo of the solution to check its functionalities. The solution link will be shared when you subscribe for the demo of the solution. You can login to the portal with your Partner Program credentials.
  • Customize: You can create your own solution by deploying the functionalities of the solution offered by Partner Program and customize it according to your requirements.

Customizing AppConnect solutions

Suppose Company Y wants to create IoT solutions for a particular industry. However, they lack the time and the required expertise to create those solutions. In such a case, Company Y can leverage our pre-deployed smart solutions and customize them according to their needs. The company can select “customize” option from the DevLab module or go to the Product Management segment, create software product and choose one of the AppConnect apps. The company will be navigated to the Product Management page as they click on customize option from the DevLab module.

To customize the solution, they can download the Github code from the environment segment of Product Management module and edit the code as required.

Ways to leverage AppConnect solutions

  1. Get source code

The environment segment of the Product Management module provides a GitHub link from where you can download and customize AppConnect source code according to your requirements.

You can get details like solution key, API configurations, Subscription API, etc. in the config XML file that you can leverage to customize the solution. You can download the file from the download button as shown above.

  1. Launch AppConnect in your Azure Space

If you have Azure subscription and want to launch the solution directly in Azure Space, you can use the Launch feature in the environment segment. You can use your Azure credentials to deploy our AppConnect solutions. This will automatically allow Partner Program to host database, web application and API application in Azure Space. You will then be able to access the solution using your Azure Space account.

Advantages of AppConnect

  • Quicker deployment of IoT solutions
  • Low-code development
  • Craft solutions in quick and simple steps
  • Faster time-to-market

AppConnect not only allows you to customize deployed solutions, but also allows you to create your own solutions from scratch by first understanding the working of different solutions already developed in IoTConnect. Hence, you can get the feel of the solutions and IoTConnect features, as well as modify the code according to your requirements and offer them to your customers.

Next step: Product management