IoT Partner Program And IoTConnect Integration Using APIs

IoT Partner Program And IoTConnect Integration Using APIs

The first step in your IoT journey is to create app/product in IoT Partner Program. The next step, a big one, is to make your solutions available to the users. This can be done by integrating your app/product created in IoT Partner Program with IoTConnect.

By leveraging APIs you can ensure interoperability and bridge the gap between IoT Partner Program and our IoT platform. APIs provide the needed interface between devices, solutions and their usability.

Moving from products to platform

If you want to create solutions, you are first required to define your app/product in IoT Partner Program by adding product details. To learn more about how to manage your product, you can refer to our user guide.

Once the product is created you will be required to enter details for the instance and environment that you need to use. Once you save the environment information, you will get the following details:

  • Portal URL
  • API Key
  • Secret Key
  • Solution Key
  • Consumer APIs

There are two modules: API Auth and Integration, used to create company and admin user on IoTConnect with your solutions.

Below are the steps you need to follow to create company and admin user:

Step 1 – Get integration API details

You will get API URL with API key and secret key to get the access token for creating company on IoTConnect.

Step 2 – Get Basic token using Auth API – basic token

You will also get the AUTH API endpoint that contains basic-token GET method which you need to use in next step.

API End point –GET api/v2/Auth/basic-token

Step 3 – Get Access Token using Auth API – API-login

API End point –POST api/v2/Auth/api-login



Component Description
Content-type application/json
Authorization Basic [BASIC-TOKEN] (step 2)
solution-key [SOLUTION_KEY]  (you will get in the product details section)




  "app-key": "string",   // that you get from the product details section

  "app-secret": "string", // that you get from the product details section

  "customETPlaceHolders": "string" // pass empty string


Response – you will get access token that we will use for creating company.


Step 4 – Create company

API End point –POST api/v2/company


Component Description
Content-type application/json
Authorizatio Bearer [ACCESS-TOKEN] (step 3)


{  "cpid": "string",  "firstName": "string",  "lastName": "string",  "userId": "string",  "name": "string",  "address": "string",  "city": "string",  "stateGuid": "string",  "countryGuid": "string",  "timezoneGuid": "string",  "contactNo": "string",  "fax": "string",  "customETPlaceHolders": {}}


This step will create company and admin user in IoTConnect. Admin will receive email of invitation to set his login password for IoTConnect.

To get a better understanding, you can refer to our Greenhouse use case.