SaaS And Enterprise Apps

SaaS And Enterprise Apps

As digital transformation processes ramp up in every sector, an interesting explosion of enterprise applications and software-as-a-service (SaaS) vendors is creating a new challenge: too much choice.

IoTConnect enables you to create standalone applications (referred to as Enterprise apps) as well as SaaS-based applications (referred to as SaaS).

Enterprise apps

These are applications you create for use within an organization. The ownership of these apps is transferred to the company that purchases them while you can provide support and maintenance services.

For example, if you want to create an IoT product called ‘Information Management System’ which will be customized to suit a certain organization with its own processes and workflows, then an Enterprise app would be the ideal choice. This solution would be suitable for a particular company due to the customized nature of the product.

SaaS apps

These applications enable you to create an IoT product (app), which can be used by multiple organizations and can be sold on the market to specific domains.

For example, if you want to create an IoT product called ‘Smart Parking’ then by using SaaS app you can manage the solution for multiple organizations or end-user companies. This solution would be suitable for any building or facility which provides parking.

How Avnet’s IoT Partner Program enables app creation on both these models

The data logging capability of smart devices as well as the ability to connect legacy devices using robust gateways, makes it possible to create any type of such applications. Powered by our horizontally scalable IoT platform, IoTConnect, IoT Partner Program provides you with the right environment to cater to all types of customer needs.

For every type of business, there are enterprise apps or SaaS-based applications – be it ERPs, CRM, accounting systems, email marketing systems, or business continuity planning. To make your application stand out from the competition, you need specific models of monetization.

Each of the mentioned above and many other such applications fulfill a function, of course with a scope and boundaries. However, in a broader sense, we see the creation of your app as a tool to enhance your end users’ business. The more adept they become with the apps, the more successful they can grow as a business.

Next step > Learn how to add/create products in Partner Program