Quick Start

Quick Start

With this quickstart guide, you will be able to understand how to get started with our Partner Program:

Let’s understand the modules mentioned below in detail to get started without any hassles.

Partner Program Dashboard

Once you have successfully onboarded and logged in to Partner Program, this is the dashboard that will be displayed on your screen:

(Screen: Partner Program Dashboard)

  • Total products: Displays the total number of products that you have created
  • Total Instances: This segment shows the number of IoTConnect instances that you have added
  • Total Devices: You can see the total number of devices added in all the products
  • Total Utilized Messages: Displays the total number of messages utilized from the plans that you have availed in My Services segment
  • Total Products – Utilized Messages: This segment displays the total number of messages utilized product-wise
  • Top Products – # of Consumers: This will show you the number of consumers for your top products
  • Top Products – Active Devices: You can see the number of active devices connected to IoTConnect associated with your top product
  • Total Number of Devices: This segment will display the total number of devices (Active/Inavtive)
  • Total IoT Packages: Displays the total number of IoT packages that you have availed
  • Top Consumers – # of Messages: This will display the number of messages consumed by your top consumers
  • Consumer Consumption Alert: Displays the information about your consumers’ plan consumption when they near the usage limit

The first step to get started with Partner Program is Role Management.

Role Management

The Role Management section allows you to create various roles as per the
structure of your organization. For example, you can add roles like Admin,
Factory Manager, Floor Supervisor, and so forth.

You can create as many roles as you want, control the access to various features of IoT Partner Program and then assign these roles to different users.

  • Go to Setting
  • Click on eye icon under Role

(Screen: Role management)

(Screen: Create role)

(Screen: Role Management_Set Permissions)

Once you have created the role(s), the next step is to add users who would get access to the
Partner Program.

User Management

Setting up and managing a team of users with various roles is imperative to
start building solutions on Avnet’s IoT Partner Program. You can provision
multiple users onto the platform from this section.

(Screen: User management)

You can add users by clicking on Create User.

(Screen: Create user)

Enter the necessary details and assign a role that you created in the previous step to this
newly added user. Once you have registered the users from your company, you can explore the
testing environment of our IoT platform, DevLab.

IoTConnect DevLab

Partner Program’s DevLab enables you to perform testing to see the functionality of our IoTConnect platform. It allows you to check the transmission of data from your IoT set-up. You can also simulate the behavior of your products/solutions, removing roadblocks that would otherwise delay the launch of your application.

Once you are successfully onboarded onto our Partner Program, you will receive an email with your DevLab access details. The email will contain a setup link which will lead you to setup your account in IoTConnect. The link will be accessible only for 24 hours.

You can then login to Partner Program and access DevLab from the left menu to get started.

(Screen: DevLab)

There are two scopes with DevLab:

  • Solutions
  • Technical details

With IoTConnect, you can explore the features of our platform and test the connectivity and
data flow.

With Technical details you can get information on IoTConnect environment and APIs. You can also get the DevLab URL from this tab.

Solutions module of DevLab offers two options: IoTConnect and AppConnect.

AppConnect allows you to leverage use case specific solutions that are already deployed on our IoTConnect platform:

There are two options available to choose from:

(Screen: AppConnect_Subscribe For Demo)

With Subscribe demo, you will be able to subscribe to the AppConnect solution and will be able to explore its features.

(Screen: AppConnect_Customize)

With Customize, you can tailor the solution according to your needs and offer it to your customers.

By clicking on Customize, you will be directed to the screen given below:

(Screen: AppConnect_Create Product)

After this step, you can follow the product creating steps as described in product management user guide.

Product Management

You can create your products / solutions or customize our given solutions
according to your needs and add them to the Partner Program. Our
Product Management segment allows you to add new products, edit
product details, create an environment and much more.

Access the Product Management tab from the menu to see the list of already added products and
to create, edit or delete products.

(Screen: Product management)

(Screen: Create product)

Create product

You can add your hardware, software or AI models. While creating a
product, you need to enter necessary details about it as given below to give insights to
your end-users about what your solution has to offer

(Screen: Product information)

Once you have added your product, you can edit it and assign an environment to it. An
environment can be assigned to the product depending on the region (Americas, APAC and EMEA)
and type of deployment (development or production). To know more about environment, you can
refer to: Instance
and Environment article.

After creating environment, you can get the information on APIs and RDK to start developing
your solution.

Get started with APIs and RDK

This segment provides you the details about APIs and Rapid Development Kit (RDK) for you to easily develop your IoT solutions.

Get the APIs and RDK details from the environment segment.

(Screen: View environment details)

(Screen: IoTConnect_Environment Setting)

(Screen: IoTConnect_Consumer APIs_Device Template)

(Screen: RDK)

(Screen: Subscription APIs)

Using this information, you can create your IoT solutions. Let’s take an example of developing IoT solutions using Visual Studio.

Firstly, you will require to download the RDKs

(Screen: Download RDKs)

Now, provide reference of the downloaded RDK in your project. This example shows the C# RDK for Microsoft Visual Studio.

1.  Go to Tools > Nuget Pacakge Manager > Package Manager Settings and add the package source of the folder that contains the RDK packages that you have downloaded.

(Screen: Visual Studio)

2.  Right click on your project in Solution Explorer and click on Manage NuGet Packages

(Screen: Solution Explorer)

3.  Click on RDK from the left pane and click on Install to install the RDKs in your project.

(Screen: Install RDKs)

For using APIs, you can refer to our detailed documentation here.

(Screen: API Reference Documentations)

(Screen: API Modules)

(Screen: IoTConnect Authenticate API)

To customize and deploy in-built solutions, you can leverage AppConnect

To access your solution in IoTConnect, the next step is to send an invite through My Consumers moduleProduct and Environment Details.

My Consumers

The My Consmers segment allows you to invite your customers to subscribe to your solutions. You can also view the list of consumers you have invited for different types of products.

If you want to access the solution that you have created in IoTConnect, you can send an invite to another email address of yours using a different company name. This means, you can create a dummy customer and invite yourself to get access to your solution in IoTConnect.

Take a note of the product and associated environment that you want to access from Product Management segment.

You will require creating subscription in order to send invite.

(Screen: Subscription)

Go to My Consumers segment and create a customer.

(Screen: My Consumers)

(Screen: Create Consumer)

You will receive an email with invitation link to subscribe to the subscription plan that you have created for your solution.

(Screen: Invitation Link)

The invitation link will lead you to the solution.

If you require any sort of help with any of the modules of Partner Program, you can refer to our Help and Support component.

Help and Support

Browse Help and Support categories to get assistance on everything concerning your account. You can resolve your queries by using any of the following methods.

(Screen: Help and support)

(Screen: Help module)

(Screen: Create tickets)


The Partner Program quickstart guide can assist you in learning how quickly you can develop and deploy your solutions or products using our IoT Partner Program. This guide reduces your time and efforts with just a few steps, so you can start using the Partner Program quickly.